Thursday, November 8, 2012

Binomial Theorem

Folks, after today's class you should try and reflect on the discovery, discussion and video that we saw. In fact, you can watch the video again if you'd like to refresh your memory. For those of you who were not in class, you can view the video by clicking on the link below but before you see the video look at the results of the expansions we did at the end of class on Wednesday and see if you can find any patterns, especially with the coefficients of the terms.

[When you click on the link, it'll most likely open a new tab and automatically download the video on your computer. For some of you, it may load in the web-browser itself.]

Once you've thought about it and watched the video again, you should proceed to do the reading and look at the kinds of expansions that were being attempted in Newton's time and how he approached it. In addition, you'll get some great background on Newton and why he is revered as such a genius. 

Note: The video you saw, or will see, is by James Stanton from his website called Thinking Mathematics and you can view many other videos on various topics in the subject. Unfortunately, these days Youtube is down in Pakistan and you will not be able to see any of his videos through official channels. This is why I have made it available for downloading/viewing through the blog. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Homework Due Tuesday, 06/11/12

Page 307, Ex. 13.3
#1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7

Note: Finish Ex. 13.2 in your class work journals and then do the above in your homework journals. Also, don't forget, in Combinations the order doesn't matter.