Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Homework due Friday, 04/11/11

The homework is to plot graphs for the functions x cubed, and x to the power 4. For each one, please choose your axes and scales wisely and try and be as accurate when plotting fractional values. Remember to work in your graph books and in pencil so that you can correct stuff without making an absolute mess of things. I shall also be sending you the worksheets by e-mail in case you misplace or forget them in school.

Be sure to keep in mind what we discussed in class about the domain and range of each function. We are not just talking about values that you have plotted, but all possible values. Also, please think about the "end behaviour" of these functions:

What happens when we plug in really large inputs?

What happens when we plug in values that are very small (really negative)?


  1. sir, i dont know wat to write in the range
    shoudn't it be 0 (greater than and equal) to output(smaller than and equal) to 16.
    0>out<16 for Q1(c).

  2. See Mishal, what you are thinking is the range is just the range of values that YOU have plotted from the table. But, the function can have greater outputs than 16 as well, right? So your range is all the POSSIBLE outputs, not just the ones that have managed to fit on your graph because of the table I gave you.

    So, if you plugged in 5 for x, then you would get 25 out for f(x), right? Similarly you would get the same positive output for -5. And you can keep plugging in higher and higher values of x and smaller and smaller negative values of x and you'll keep getting higher positive outputs.

    This should tell you that the range can go on to positive infinity. So it is then sufficient to only say that the range is y is greater than or equal to 0 (which is the > sign with a line under it). This is because y or f(x) can be equal to zero and all other number above it.
