Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

Homework due Monday, 30/01/12

We are now ready to tackle the problems from the textbook. Your homework is:

Page 67, Ex 4.1
#2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 11

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Homework due Friday, 27/01/12

The homework worksheet, if forgotten or misplaced, can be downloaded by clicking here. To download the file you can right-click and click on "save link as".

Monday, January 23, 2012

Solution to Q. 2 of the Last Homework Assignment

We had neglected to discuss how you approached question 2 of the Homework due 20th January, 2012. Below is the solution. I chose factorization because as it was simpler that way, but completing the square could also have been used.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Term Project due 02/03/2012

The project assignment sheet can be viewed by clicking on the image below. If you would like to download it then right-click and go to "save link as" and then save the pdf file on your computer.

You can use this post to discuss your approach. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Homework due Friday, 20/01/12

Your homework is the worksheet I gave you in class. If you have misplaced it then you can download the pdf from the link below. (If by just clicking on the link the pdf does not open in your browser window, then you can right-click on the link and click "save link as" to download the file onto your system.)


I look forward to discussions about this homework as well!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Homework due Monday, 16/01/12

Below are the steps we discussed in class, in case some of you had trouble copying them down:

1. Rearrange the equation in a way that it becomes an argument of finding missing length on a diagram that has a square and a rectangle joined together to form a bigger rectangle whose total area is a given number.

2. After drawing the diagram next to the equation, cut the rectangular portion of the diagram in half and relocate it to the bottom of the square portion.

3. Add the missing piece to the diagram such that a square is completed and add the area of that missing piece to both sides of the algebraic equation.

4. Now you can just factor the left side of your equation (the one with variables in it) and simplify the right side of your equation (the numerical side) and continue to solve for x as you saw in class.

I will post answers to the problems on the weekend so that you can try and check your work before Monday. Please don't take too many short cuts and always draw the diagram or you will needlessly suffer with inaccurate results. You should use the blog to post questions and share your thoughts with each other.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Homework due Tuesday, 10/01/12

Happy New Year Everyone! The blog is back in action once again.
Below is your homework for Tuesday.