Friday, January 27, 2012

Homework due Monday, 30/01/12

We are now ready to tackle the problems from the textbook. Your homework is:

Page 67, Ex 4.1
#2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 11


  1. Sir, i have a question. In the questions we have two answers the minimum/maximum point and the x value. I got all the min/max points but how do i find the corresponding x value?

  2. how did you find the max min value. if it was by finding midpoint and pluggin it in then the midpoint is corresponding x vlaue . and if you did it by inferring from the eq like i did e.g (x-1)2 +3 then 1 would be corresponding x value with 3 as y value

  3. how do v find the min and max value ?
    after we hav found the min/max value how do we noe which one is the max ormin value ?

  4. Falah has answered Hira's question better than I ever could. So, I will turn to Mishal's query and say that you have to think about function transformations and see whether the function given to you was ever reflected about the x-axis or not. If it has been (by seeing a negative coefficient in the function) then you know that the parabola opens down, giving you a max value and if the coefficient is positive then the function has a min. value as it opens up.

    Regardless, if you're still confused then try sketching the function by locating the vertex and the finding the roots. The graph will make it clear whether it is a min or max point. Smiley face indicates min value and sad face indicates max value.

  5. in Question no 2 TAHA'S EPIPHANY will come in great help :D ;)
