Friday, February 10, 2012

Homework due Monday, 13/02/12

Page 74-75, Ex. 4.2
#10, 12, 14, 18 and 19

Remember, the first 3 questions are along the same lines as the previous ones you have done for homework. However, 18 and 19 deal with the intersections of linear and quadratic functions. Now, here's a clue: You will be making use of the discriminant in these questions as well.


  1. I miss the bonfire Sir Kerai :(

  2. sir how do u use the discriminant in qs 18?
    the variable is in the linear function

  3. Well, this question I think asks about a point of tangency, i.e. just one intersection point with the curve. Solve the two functions simultaneously and once you bring it down to the finding of roots of one single quadratic function. Then use the discriminant as this is the case where only one real root (or equal real roots) will be found. So your discriminant must be equal to zero.
