Friday, April 13, 2012

Homework due Tuesday, 17/04/12

Folks, the following homework should basically be done without a calculator. You're going to be expected to use your understanding of logarithms and manipulate the expressions in order to find what is being asked.

Page 52, Ex. 3.5
#6; 7[b , c], 8 [b , c , f], 9 [a , e],
10 [d , e], 12, 13 [a , c] , 14 [a , c].

Page 55, Ex. 3.6
# 1, 5, 9, 11 (b), 12, 13 & 14.


  1. in q 2 of ex 3.5. what do we do about c? do we find it and then get y in terms of x. also in the part 2log 2 x+c. the x + c is not in brackets. does that mean that only x is being squared ?

  2. sir i dont get excercise 3.6 question 5. and how will we solve the simultaneous equations question 12. it is confusing. any hint how to solve these because the examples are too confusing!!!!!!!!!

  3. Falah, I suspect you're talking about question 12 in 3.5 and not question 2 (as you've stated in the post)! Anyhow, it took me a while to find which question you were talking about.
    In Q12 you will have to find the value of c (by using the x,y pair of values given) and then get the expression now with the values of c. Then it is just a matter of manipulating the equation to get y in terms of x.

  4. Duaa, you will have to be a little more elaborate about what you are finding difficult. For q5 I suggest getting all the log expressions with x in them on one side and then the other number on one side. For 2 lg 5 you should change it to lg 5 squared and the number 1 can be re-written as lg 10. Now just use the rules for logarithmic manipulation that we derived in class and get both sides as single logarithmic expressions (of base 10). Then it will become clearer.
