Thursday, September 20, 2012

Homework Due Tuesday, 25/09/12

Page 284, Ex. 12.1:
# 5, 6, 7 a-c-d-e-g-i-j, & 8.

[Please note that in some questions in the exercise above, you will find that now and then they have inserted an angle in degrees (the symbol gives it away) and so be sure to change the calculator modes accordingly. Especially one of the questions where they have written an angle as Pi degrees. They are trying  to trick you into thinking that it is a radian measure because of the Pi symbol except right after they give degree symbol. When there is no symbol then you should always assume the angle to be in radians.]

Page 290, Ex. 12.2:
# 12, 13 &15.


  1. sir i dont got how to find ap and bp in question 12 of ex.12.2. please help.

  2. If AP and BP are tangents to a circle, then what angle do they make with the radius of that circle? Try and remember Al-biruni's diagram and what we learned about tangents to circles. Even the tangent function's line should give you a hint as to what angle it makes.

    Secondly, what do you surmise about point P? If you made a line from O to P, would it cut the kite OAPB into two? Or, in other words, are triangles OAP and OBP congruent?
