Friday, March 22, 2013

Homework Due Tuesday, 26/03/2013

Make sure you've finished the HW worksheet from last time and then attempt the following:

Page 384-385, Ex. 17.3;
#4, 6, 11 & 15

Page 388-392, Misc. Ex. 17;
# 4, 6 & 8

Page 401-402, Ex. 18.1;
# 1 - 4 , 5 a-d-h, 13 & 16


  1. In Miscellaneous exercise 7 question 8, the area of the rectangle is (A=L*B)=(A=2X*Y). If we apply tan(at z) to get the the value of y in terms of x, we are getting:
    tan 45 * 5-x = 5-x;
    and then if we substitute the value of y in the area equation than we get A= 2x(5-x) which is not the value of area given in the question

  2. Interesting approach Taha. I'm not sure using tangent is the best idea as you would be relying on the angle that you calculate which may well be an approximation etc etc. I'll give you a hint. use the idea of similar triangles and the fact that ratios of sides of similar triangles are the same.
