Thursday, March 28, 2013

Recommended Practice

Page 353-354, Misc. Ex. 15;
# 4, 5, 6, 8, 13, 16, 20 & 21

Page 386, Ex. 17.3;
# 17 & 18

Page 388 - 391, Misc. Ex. 17;
# 2, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19 & 22

Page 404-405, Misc. Ex. 18;
# 2, 4, 8, 10, 15, 16 & 17.

Page 411-413, Ex. 19.1;
# 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15.


  1. In mis 17 question 17a,
    They are asking you to find the greatest value of h as r varies. what does this statement mean?
    I took out the derivative and tried finding out the max/min point but im getting nowhere.
    The relation between h and r is;

  2. Taha, we know the coordinates of both q and p. H is the difference between them and since know that the x coordinate will remain r in both the cases, we can find the difference between the y coordinates. You've done up till here. What we further can do is find the area of the whole rectangle and subtract the areas of the the triangles being formed on the corners. By applying the phythogrean formula we can find the hypotenuses for each one. That'll give you the area.

  3. I think ur doing part b, that's already done, im confused about the last statement in the part a of the question

  4. Taha I dont know what you're confused abt. They want the max value that h can be, i.e. the greatest length that PQ can assume between the line y=x and the curve y=x(6-x). Just make sure your expression has kept in mind the restrictions on h. An r value plugged into the quadratic will give the height of the entire perpendicular from r till the curve. But then you have to subtract r from that. Now it seems that you got the expression but are not managing to find the value you seek. You'll have to give me more details abt what is puzzling you...

  5. Also Taha, Falah has a question abt how to do Misc 15, q 20, the one I helped you with in school. Wanna give some helpful hints?
