Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Homework due Friday, 09/09/11

Finish question 6 on page 155 (Ex 7.4) and then do the following:

Page 149, Ex. 7.2, 
#1 and 2

Page 146, Ex. 7.1
#1 and 4

Remember, you should draw graphs whenever you need to visualize something in these questions. In fact, I think it will be very difficult to do these questions without drawing a diagram. Below is a diagram to help you with question 6 that we started in class today. I know some of you were confused about how the question was worded and what they meant with the line through A and B meeting at the axes at P and Q. Basically, P and Q are the names given to the x and y "intercepts" and I have marked them on the sketch below. Now, you know how to find all the information asked for in the question, just look at what we've done with linear functions so far.


  1. sir im stuck at Q2a-b, how do i find the sides of the triangle,its getting a bit confusingg :( could u plz tel me how do i find the sides with the given cordinates ?

  2. Sir im getting confused in Q6 which we had already started in class. in the question do u want the exact coordinates by putting x=0 in the equation of the line for y and y=0 for x? or when we draw the line from a to b, p will be the y intercept and q will be the x intrcpt so the point we can note down automatically. right?

  3. Hira, I think you have the right idea. So go ahead with the way you are approaching it.

    Mishal, I am not sure which question you are doing. Question 2 on page 149 has no part a and b and on page 146, Ex 7.1, you're not supposed to do question 2, its only 1 and 4 that you have to do.

  4. hi on pg 149 i dont get q 1 part c and d. as there are 2 types in one q. in part c its normal no and then a t and in part b its b and a. i dont know how to plot this and then thus subtract from each other. example 4-2t or a+b

  5. dont worry. his posts will be removed

  6. Well, Falah, be ready to discuss exactly where you got to in that question for tomorrow. I am sure there are other students that are having similar issues with it. :)
