Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Homework due Friday, 30/09/11

Do questions 4 and 7 on page 162, Ex. 7.6.

On question 7 you may have difficulty understanding what they mean when they say "foot of the perpendicular". The foot of the perpendicular is the point where the perpendicular lines intersect. So, if you look at the diagram below as an example, then Q is the foot of the perpendicular from K to MN.


  1. Sir Kerai,
    can u please brief me on how we take out the length of two points. Its just as if it has slipped out of mind for some reason. thanku

  2. Well Hira, we don't want things slipping out so easily. However, you could refer to your notes and handouts to remind yourself of what is to be done. My only hint here will be "the Pythagorean theorem."
