Friday, September 23, 2011

Homework due Monday, 26/09/11

Do questions 7, 8 and 11 on page 158 from Ex. 7.5.

Remember, we have learned about lines that intersect and lines that are parallel. Some questions are just written in a confusing manner, but the solutions are actually really simple. Break things up into steps to understand the problems. If you still have trouble then post your questions on the blog.


  1. i dont understand question number 8. its ok till i found gradeint from parrellel line but i dont understand how to get the points as the points are coming as -x-2=y

  2. So you're having trouble with the simultaneous equations for the second set of lines, whose intersection point is the one that will tell you the point through which the line parallel to 3x+2y-6=0.

    So you found the gradient of the line 3x+2y-6=0 by rearranging the function so that it is in the y=ax+b form, right?

    Now all you need to do is solve the other set of equations simultaneously to get their intersection point. Most likely, you have made some algebraic mistake in the process of solving the simultaneous equations. Try doing it again, without looking at your old work....this kind of thing does happen to you a lot eh?

  3. lol
    my prob wasnt the simultaneous equations. it was the fact that i wasnt reading the ques right. i had misunderstood that the other lines were intersecting and -x-2=y was something else
