Monday, October 17, 2011

Homework due Tuesday, 18/10/11

Do question 2 from Exercise 7.7 on page 165 of your textbook. 


  1. Well sir,
    I'm getting a similar answer to what is "behind the book" but cant seem to understand why its not the same...what the book says is x+3y-7=0 and what I'm getting is "y=3x=7" can u please help me out :)

  2. hira in the end ur supposed to get 3y=-x+7 so do u remember in an equation all of the numbers are supposed to be on one side and zero on one side ex ax+b=0 so just take all of the numbers on one side which will give you 3y+x-7 hence ur getting the right ans :)

  3. Sir i dont get another thing we usually solve it simultaneously to get the point of intersection between two lines but over here it says where p lies on the x axes.So what im trying to say is that ive done the question and have got the ans but havent solved it simultaneously so how i sit that i got the right answer?

  4. Taha, thanks for answering Hira's question. I have gotten to these queries a little too late so I shall address Taha's question in class.
